Colored Label Manager reports let you gather data from labels for yourself or others, such as your team, department, or even your whole company. You can use these reports to gain insight into your business and share your data. By applying filters, you can display the results in precisely the way you want -- and then save the report so that it takes just one click to run it again whenever you need it. You can then use these saved reports to manage your data, and print or export your report data for later use.
With Colored Label Manager, there’s absolutely no coding required and certainly no need to learn Jira Query Language (JQL) for that matter. You can make fully customized reports just by selecting options from dropdowns.
Global label “report on system wide”
Click on More
Go to → Apps
Click on Colored Labels
Go to → Reports
Project label “report within a project”
Click on Project Labels
Go to → Reports
Saving Reports
You can edit a saved report and view results immediately, and then select to update the saved report or create a new one.
You can create different types of reports to get data on different things:
Issues by labels reports report provide a quick overview of Jira issues based on Labels . You can create reports using Jira labels or any colored label field with any label values, and you can group your results by assignee, status, Issue type, or priority, or any combination of those four.
Labels in time reports report show the issues in time including the relevant colored label field, label(s) and the time range you are interested in. For example, you can create a report that includes all tickets that were labeled "urgent" between April 1, 2024 and Mai 30, 2024.
Most used labels reports report give the ability to view the most popular used labels. You can make fully customized reports just by selecting options from dropdowns. For example, you can create a report that includes tickets with the 15 top used values from the label field Country within a certain period of time.
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