Manage Global Labels
Colored Label Manager improves your experience using labels in Jira. It provides a simple control panel which allows you add color to your labels and understand where your labels are being used in your Jira instance, as well as powerful functionality to cleanup and organize labels in bulk.
Global Jira labels
Only Jira administrator can access Global Jira Labels
Click on Apps → Colored Label Manager
Manage Global Colored Labels
Manage Global Jira Labels
Generate Reports based on Jira Labels and Colored Labels
Create new Colored Label Fields
This is a list of all the Jira labels used in your Jira instance.
In this view you can manage Colored and Native labels :
Create label and add it to a Jira issues
Add color to labels
Add description to labels
Search for specific labels
Check how many issues one label is assinged
Export labels to CSV
Edit labels
Merge labels
Delete one or multiple labels
Add label to multiple Jira issues.
Remove label from multiple Jira issues
The Click to see issues column shows you how many times a label has been used. Clicking on that link opens a new tab with a filter that shows all issues with that label in your project.
Need help?
Please raise an issue in our Help Center in case of questions or to report a bug, we are here to support you.