Restrict new labels creation
Smart label fields can be used either as a label or as a select list field, depending on how they are configured and the specific use case.
As a label, the smart label field simply displays text or data, providing information without requiring user interaction.
As a select list field, it presents a dropdown list or options for the user to choose from.
This flexibility allows smart label fields to serve multiple purposes within applications or forms.
In each project label configuration you will find all used Jira label fields .
As a project administrator you can restrict a label field, in this case you prevent users to create new label items , they are required to choose existing ones.
This fosters consistency across fields like Definition of Done (DoD), Definition of Ready, Acceptance Criteria, or Simple select list.
As Project Administrator you can define your label items and prevent users to create a new ones , they can use only the defined label items.
Go to your project and click on Settings
Go to → Colored Labels Configuration
Restrict or Unrestrict the desired label field
You should see something like this:
In this example, the project administrator define the needed customers and restrict the label field Customers (see screenshot). Users can only consult list of customers and use them in their tickets .
As Project Administrator
Go to your project
Click on Project Labels
Select Customers in the label field
Define your label items
What users see :
Project administrator can also define new label items in the issue view (see screenshot)
Click on the Customers label field
Click on
Type a name
Choose a color
Click on submit
Once the label fields restricted and label items defined by the project administrator , normal users will see something like this :
They are required to choose existing label items , they can not define a new customers even in the issue view (see screenshot)
Need help?
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